Saturday, October 26, 2013

Youth Dear Season Approaches

Been taking the eldest target shooting more often in preparation for deer season this year. Since it will be the first year he will be on the gun, we  have been drilling on marksmanship fundamentals.

For the different skills he has been learning we have been using different targets, and now that he has the basics down we are on full-size deer targets.

We'll hit it one more time for a final review, but after today I officially declare him ready:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Treehouse Build Continues

One of the side-railings going up. The uprights are wide but will ultimately be covered in a galvanized metal skin.

The platform is about 10 feet off the ground so I constructed the railings to conform to current residential building codes, 36" high and 4" in between balusters.  

 The first side of the platform being skinned. The skin is lag-bolted against the top and bottom rails and along each upright. It need to be strong enough to stay in place if kids fall against it from the inside.