Thursday, April 25, 2013

Broilers on Deck

Our Cornish Cross broilers arrived tonight.We picked them up at Orschelns and they are doing just fine.

Transported like little Happy-meals...

 Finally all set up for the evening in the brooder pen. This is just an old baby gate, cardboard floor, and pine wood chips. The silver material in the corner is called Reflectix, and is gold for spot insulation for critters (It's gold Jerry, GOLD !)

Now I just have to get the chicken tractor finished so they will have a home once they are ready to be put outside...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We are raising Pterodactyls apparently

Pulled this out of the nesting box tonight. It's a big egg... 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Chicken-Tractor Cometh!

Finally got crackin' on the chicken tractor today. We are hoping to pick up a couple of dozen Cornish Cross at the local farm store in the next few weeks and I really need to get this thing finished.

All pressure treated for the exposed lumber:

Starting to frame up:

Finished with the roof support and the framing to hold the water buckets:

Strong enough to support one vigorous chicken dance!

I'll post more as work continues....